The 48 current Creation Club items that you'll get access to as part of Skyrim AE range from special weapons, to new enemy types, quest expansions, and gameplay changes. If you'd forgotten about Bethesda's Creation Club, it's a marketplace of paid DLCs developed either internally by Bethesda or by approved external creators.

In practice, Skyrim Anniversary Edition is a DLC for Skyrim Special Edition, launching alongside a free game update fro Skyrim SE. It includes Skyrim SE and also bundles in all of the previously released premium Creation Club additions.

Okay, Skyrim AE is a bit like a Game Of The Year release for Skyrim Special Edition. Bethesda is calling the Anniversary Edition "the most definitive version of Skyrim to date." That's not the most concrete explanation, so it might help to think of Skyrim Anniversary as The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition - Definitive Edition.